Minecraft Cheat Weather

Minecraft Cheat Weather. If not specified, the duration defaults to 5 minutes. /weather to change the weather.

In bedrock edition, it is the number of ticks for the specified weather to last. Buat kamu yang pengen tahu selengkapnya mengenai cit minecraft, langsung saja yuk simak artikel berikut ini, geng! So, if it was raining or thundering, it will stop immediately and skies will turn blue.
Try Changing The Weather Using The /Weather Command Like So:
Mods 5,086,931 downloads last updated: Cheat codes minecraft guide, tips. For 1.12.2 and 1.15.2 there are versions together with optifine, first install the optifine version that is listed on the archive.
Rain, Thunder, And Snow Are Other Options.
To use a minecraft command or cheat, all you need to do is hop into your minecraft game and tap. /time set use this to set the world game time. Change the weather /weather [duration] give a player free items /give [quantity] create a mob at.
Replace X With 0 For Dawn, 6000 For Day, 12000 For Sunset, Or 18000 For The Middle Of The Night.
/setblock ~ ~ ~+1 diamond_ore will set a block of diamond ore right next to you! All universal codes, network codes, minecraft java edition, windows 10 edition. One way to use the /weather command is /weather query.
How To Use Minecraft Commands.
This will change the weather to a clear weather. Just type /weather clear, /weather rain, or /weather thunder. It is the length of time (in seconds) that the weather will be clear.
I Just Noticed Your Comment About Using The World Handler Mod.
/weather [duration] set the type of weather (rain, thunder, or clear) for a set period in seconds. Aug 2, 2018 game version: Specifies the time in seconds for the specified weather to last.